Wednesday, January 23, 2013

our sick cebu

Anna started daycare last Monday. In related news, she has been so sick the past 4 days, it makes my heart hurt. I've never seen so much snot come from one tiny nose. Her normally happy feisty self has turned into a sad, tired and clingy stranger child. I love the extra hugs and cuddles (yes, snot included) but I'd prefer to have our healthy Peanut back.
I'm a sick cebu.

After finding out two of the girls from her daddy daycare were treated with the croup, we took her in to the pediatrician. Turns out she is sick! Just kidding, we knew that part...turns out she had an ear infection in both ears. Uhg, how miserable! I would do anything to take that away from her. So the pediatrician whipped up a prescription for an antibiotic and wished us well. Easy right?

And now for the semi-crunchy part of me dilemma...
I have read that many ear infections go away on their own. So I felt obligated to ask: "Does she need the antibiotic or could this clear up on its own?" The doc paused (inevitably thinking 'Hm, North Face jacket and Coach purse? Is it possible she's one of those naturalist crunchy ones? Didn't see that coming..."). She must not have seen me drive up in my Prius. Her response: "We do have some parents elect to hold off on the meds. Studies show that in kids over age 2, 80% of ear infections clear up in 3 days with antibiotics, 70% without. But, in babies, the risks are higher if the infection doesn't clear up- the ears are so close to the brain, it could cause a meningitis type situation (I start sweating here) or an abscess." She must have seen my mortified look of fear because she quickly clarified in her whole career as a doctor she's only heard of this happening once.

So there it is in a nut shell: it's riskier, because it happens almost never ...but when it does happen, it is terrible terrible. So we (western society) take the less terrible route and over-use meds to get a 10% more likelihood of fast recovery. The dilemma must have been making my head spin, because my head started to, well, spin and I suddenly had that "oh crap I'm going to either puke or pass out" feeling. The doctor clued into this right away and helped me get Anna into her carseat while calling a nurse to get me some juice. A little embarrassing! But a testament to motherhood. When your little one is sick, it is easy to forget to take care of yourself. I hadn't eaten anything all day. As my friend Erin says, I need to set a better example to Anna. Hubs came and got us (he's always competing for husband of the decade) and fed us both.

So, back to the debate. I hemmed and hawed about filling the prescription. Why don't we just give her the antibiotics for goodness sake? I'm sure I'd get this response from many parents...many of my friends and family even. The thing is, antibiotics aren't harmless. They mess with your good bacteria in your gut. They can cause allergic reactions (and often do) and they can build up a resistance. There are studies finding they are totally over prescribed, and messing with our kids. I'm just not excited about introducing Anna to them if they are not totally necessary. Don't get me wrong. Antibiotics are AMAZING AND LIFE SAVING...when you actually need them.

So long story short, I'm in this dilemma because I want to do the best thing for my daughter... but am conflicted on what that is. Result: We're going to see if it clears up in a few days, and check back with our Doctor. And pray. For both healing and freaking sanity.

Anna, someday when you slam the door in my face and get sassy with me at the mall, I'm going to have you read this post to remind you how much I love and care about you and am obsessing over how to best treat your first ear infection.

"I want to feel better so I can chase the cat around the house some more."
  Update: It didn't clear up. We gave her the antibiotics. Then I got lasted for two I ended up on antibiotics too. Hippie Mel - 0, Modern Medicine - 1. Eh well.

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